Monday, December 17, 2012

1. Back to Health Wellness Center

Back to Health Wellness Center
1625 State Street

Santa Barbara CA  93101
(805) 569- 5000


One Nutritional Evaluation to include dietary recommendations  and initial  nutritional supplements needed to start you on the path of achieving better health. You must be prepared to change your diet  and take some nutritional supplements.

Jacob Bastomski DC, DIBCN
Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist

Bidding Instructions.
1. Click on "comments" to place your bid, or view existing bids
2. Post your bid in minimum of $5.00 increments
3. Leave your full name.  If you are not a member of Young Israel, please e-mail your name and e-mail address to so that we can contact you.
4. Comment as "Anonymous"
5. Click on "Publish"

6. You will now see "word verification" below the "comments" box.  Enter the word as shown on the screen and hit "Publish".
7.  Above the comment box, you will see a yellow banner stating "Your comment was published".

Value:  $180 Evaluation and approx $70 for nutritional supplements = $250
Minimum Bid: $100

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